"Truly, I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Jesus all, all of Jesus. This is the phrase that covers and summarizes the entire Charism of the Sisters of the Poor of Jesus Christ. There is in us a deep will and even a daring desire, to want Jesus entirely and to be totally His. The Gospel lived “sine glossa” offers us the sure way by which we can embody all His life in our own lives.
We are attracted by Jesus who, stripping himself totally of His divine condition, became a poor, humble servant: an unreserved gift and sacrifice for all mankind (2 Phil 1-14). We want the Word-made-man poor in Bethlehem, anonymous in Nazareth, pilgrim on the roads, abandoned on Golgotha, raised by the Father, and glorified with Him. We want Jesus announcing that the Kingdom has arrived and is among us, but also withdrawing in silence to pray and intercede for men with the Father - Jesus who has life in abundance to give, but who also offers the narrow path of the Cross.

Everything began in São Paulo. There, Fr. Gilson, our Founder, encountered the reality of youth marked by the dramas of those who live on the periphery of the largest city of Brazil: poverty, trafficking, crack, alcohol, violence, unemployment, shattered families…
The spiritual solution that he sought, was to hold retreats for these young adults, and through personal contact with them where they could be found- in the places where drug sales and use were high. This alone, however, was not sufficient to help them. So our founders, Fr. Gilson and Sonya (who later became Sister Servant), made the decision together with some young people, to rent a house which would welcome and shelter young adults who wanted to escape drugs and violence.

The “beloved children” (women and men whom we shelter in our houses), began to come, and with them came other young adults who wanted to help. At that point, Fr. Gilson felt God wanted something more from us. The house of shelter was only the pretext that God used to get us together and begin a new Charism in the Church.
Thus we were born!
"With faith and courage we rented a house without having any money in our pockets.”

The Community, after 10 years of foundation and guided by Dom Pedro Luiz Strighini, receives in the diocese of Franca the fist step of cannonical recognition.
At that time the community had already spread over Brazil and abroad. Our first mission in the North American was open in January and received the first sisters, in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann received in his archdiocese the three first sisters sent in mission to American soil.

St. Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi had a great love for the poor, especially for lepers. Our community, inspired by his example, take care people suffering with the leprosy of modern times: Substance abuse.
But Saint Francis is a beacon not only for our apostolic work. We are inspired by his great holiness, his great love for Jesus Crucified, his loyalty to the Church, and his devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Saint Francis had an unwavering desire to imitate Our Crucified Savior in all things by living the Gospel and teaching others to do the same. We do the same, guided by our motto: Jesus all, all for Jesus. Meaning that we want to follow Jesus in every aspect of His life and give all our life to Him.
St. Clare of Assisi
Clare was a woman of courage and determination, and an all-consuming love for the Lord being for us an example of boldness in following the Gospel. Community life and poverty were also some of her great traits, her gentleness and care for the community and austere way of life will never cease to inspire and attract our community to the aspirations of holiness that is still so needed today.

St. Michael, the Archangel
Following the doctrine presented by St. Paul about the spiritual battle (cf.Ep 6:10-20), we take on militant spirituality as a particular aspect of our charism.
In this battle, we count on the powerful help of the Prince of the Angelic Armies, Saint Michael the Archangel, to whom is due the victory against the Dragon and his fallen angels (Rev. 12:7- 9).
ST. Paul
As a man chosen to proclaim the Gospel (Rm 1: 1), St. Paul is a model of evangelization for us.
We are impressed by his personal adherence to the proclamation of the Gospel and his total dedication to Christ. Our action will only be credible if we are willing, like him, to sacrifice our lives for Christ, for His Gospel, and for the salvation of souls.

Ancilla Domini
Since the origins of our Community, we have felt the unceasing presence of the Most Holy Virgin Mary. There has not been a single grace or victory that has not been given to us through her.
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord constitutes our highest Marian feast day. On this day, we honor the Blessed Virgin with the same title she gave Herself when answering her Fiat to God: Ancilla Domini (cf. Lk 1:38).